317-746-5511 | oc.by.angi@gmail.com
Here are some pictures of my realistic organization systems from over the years. Some include my favorite before and afters, the house we called home for over 15 years, and my favorite lesson I've learned lately from a job I did this year (2022).
Back to the Beginning...
This gallery was from my house I raised my kids in. I homeschooled my children for most of their academic lives, had chickens, pets, a garden, a busy schedule, and more. I constantly tried different ways of organization, and ways of teaching my kids the systems, and with those, I ultimately found what worked for my family in different chapters of our lives. There wasn't a system that constantly stayed, not necessarily because it wasn't functional, but because our needs, schedules, and inventory constantly changed. For example, if one year our curriculum had mostly books and crafts, I would need to figure out a system that made sense to my kids as well as for what it was being used for. But then the next year, it would be mostly online, after purging the books and supplies, I would have empty space. And that was OK. This is the example of practicality and with my family's life growing up, we didn't have the money nor the time to have these Pinterest worthy pantries and $30 wooden bins for our extra toilet paper. We utilized the dollar store, clearance at various stores, shelf liner on cardboard boxes, and things friends were getting rid of or we could buy cheap. And that was OK! When you're ok with what you have, it makes what you have enough.
Say No to "One Day I'll..."
“She always had great plans for “one day”….” That’s what the son of my friend said about his grandmother that passed away. His grandmother shopped her way through emotions feeling that shoppers high and left a house overflowing for my friend to clean out. A lot of things with tags still on and new in their packaging. She had tea cups/teapots galore for all the tea parties she would host. She had a chocolate fountain for a family get-together, and she had hot dog baskets and pool floats still in their packaging. She had movies upon movies she never even got out of the packaging and some were duplicates because she forgot she already had them. So many expensive clothes with tags still on them, she had so many plans and none of them came to fruition but she kept buying and planning anyway. She held on to all the things, keeping the hope of “one day” arriving. The comment resonated with me on a new level. I too have plans for that “one day”! I realized ones that I need to let go of. Game nights that never seem to happen. Skinny clothes for when I finally lose weight, serving dishes for get-togethers I end up not really wanting to host. So after this job, I decided the board games are going, the skinny clothes are going, the serving dishes are going, the yard sale is happening and what doesn’t sell will be donated. It’s time to realize the dream of less stuff/stress and make the reality of more room and more peace the thing that happens TODAY! ***This is not to deter you from dreaming of some day!***
It's Gonna Take a Village
Organizing public spaces is one of my favorite things. It is usually the most chaotic and you can find some interesting gems and objects in the mess. These pictures are from my church and a warehouse that hired me on to organize and then maintain the spaces. My goal was to create systems that had everything someone needed in sight from when they examined the area. It would also be easy to put away. Will that always happen? No. But, I am always willing to come and maintain any space!